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Church Hill Classics introduces our ship-ready, cutting edge design 'SMARTbox' that provides you with the advantages of one box for previewing your frame, inventory management, shipping, and walk-out sales! Ship-ready/carry handle SMARTbox type packaging is available on over 95% of our diploma frame sizes and styles.

SMARTbox Recyclable

Environmentally Friendly

The SMARTbox is constructed of environmentally friendly unbleached cardboard and is 100% curbside recyclable.

SMARTbox Shipping

Easy Shipment

For easy shipping, simply affix shipping label and tape down topflap.

SMARTbox easy carry-out

Easy Carry-Out

Convenient integrated carry handle for walk-out customers.

SMARTbox easy frame preview

Easy Frame Preview & Inspection

To easily remove frame, pull insert out of box and simply bend back cushioning flaps to release the patented clear sleeve.

Shipping Made Easy

FedEx & UPS Certified Packaging